Talk to us about protecting your land from rabbits.
The Darling Downs – Moreton Rabbit Board is a statutory authority established under the Biosecurity Act 2014 responsible for the maintenance of the 555km of rabbit barrier fence running from Mt Gipps to Goombi.
DDMRB has been in operation for over 130 years, working alongside Queensland farmers and other land managers to keep rabbits out of our prime agricultural lands and natural areas.
Increasing awareness of the environmental and financial damage rabbits continue to cause is critical in achieving the strategic goals of suppressing rabbit populations and reducing their impacts on agriculture and the environment within DDMRB's operational area.
DDMRB exists to help educate local communities on the devastation caused by rabbits. Our priority has always been and will always be to put our Aussie farmers first and help protect their income as best we can by informing new and existing residents alike on what to look out for.
If you have seen a rabbit in the Darling Downs – Moreton Regions, please lodge a sighting to help us contain the rabbit population.