FeralScan is a free app that lets people record rabbit activity, sightings and control measures through one central database. RabbitScan is available through FeralScan.

Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit board encourages everyone to use RabbitScan to help combat the spread of Australia’s most devastating pest.


You might think rabbits are something that only farmers need to worry about, so it could come as a surprise to know just how close to the city they are! The Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board (DDMRB) is urging residents between Toowoomba and Highfields to report rabbit sightings. DDMRB Chair, Cr Janice Holstein (Lockyer Valley Regional

Correct destruction of rabbit warrens and other harbour is essential for effective rabbit control and protecting your land from unnecessary damage. The video below, funded by Australian Wool Innovation Limited and supported by Invasive Animals CRC, the Department of Industry and Science and the NSW Department of Primary Industries, explains exactly this. This video takes

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